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    來源://www.ysyfd.com 發布時間:2021-05-21

    Why use radiation proof lead plate? Does radiation proof lead plate work? This is an issue that everyone has been very concerned about. Today, Fengxin Xiaobian will accompany you to have a further understanding of radiation proof lead plate.
    Radiation proof lead plate
    Radiation proof lead plate is mainly for radiation protection in order to protect human health. Radiation proof lead plate is usually used in hospital CT room, X-ray room, nuclear industry, electric power industry, mining and other industries. Its main purpose is to prevent the harm of radiation and protect human health. Anti radiation lead plate is mostly made of 1 × electrolytic lead. Generally, the purity of domestic lead plate is more than 99.99%, which is a national standard product. It has the functions of anti-corrosion, acid and alkali resistance. It can be used in many aspects, such as acid resistant environment construction, medical anti radiation, X-ray, CT room radiation protection, weighting, sound insulation, etc. It is the main material of radiation protection at present.
    Take hospitals for example. The medical use of X-ray brings more benefits than harm to human beings. But if it is not used properly. The basic task of X-ray protection is to ensure the health and safety of X-ray workers, the public and their descendants. Improve the efficiency of X-ray protection and promote the development of X-ray work.

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